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I May Never Know But I Am All of This

i may never know but i am all of this * by Brandon Hummons

a hundred thousand eyes like a myriad of broken diamonds sparkle like glistening snow. The similarities go on for forever. Just as each snowflake is comprised of a different shape- each person has a different breath
Does snow that falls in chile taste the same as Chicago- I may never know but I am all of this
So common that you won’t find me but once in a lifetime, the life’s mine I am every person, I am every place I’m the week that grows from the concrete the nicotrine in the rose garden I am the blues eyes that you’re in love with, along with the hazel ones that make you I am the dirty socks and falling apart shoes and like everyone else, I can’t be happier to hate you I the mumble behind your back I am what we never what to talk about I’m the food stamps and aids Your sensitivity sickens me I’m the everyday cancer you turn the cold shoulder to- every single day

All rights reserved

(c) Brandon Hummons

From the Denison University production

of I, Too, Sing America! (c) Dale Shields

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